The maintenance of this site is an ongoing process.
If you notice any mistakes or inaccuracies please let us know.
If you have anything you think should be included, please let us know and we will try to include it.
We will also endeavour to answer any general history related questions regarding St Mirren.
We also welcome any other comments on either the site or St Mirren FC in general.
For any questions/suggestions you have, please use the e-mail address or Facebook link below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer. Please be aware that due to work/family commitments we are not always able to answer immediately, but aim to respond within a couple of days.
We look forward to hearing from you.
For questions on the history of St Mirren - (E-Mail)
For web/technical queries - (E-Mail)
This website is the product of many hours of work and the great assistance of like minded people, without whom the information would not be as in depth or as accurate.
In no particular order a big thank you to:-
Bob McGinnigle, Bob McPherson, Brian Wright, Paul Baird, Stuart Black, Norrie Jamieson, Stewart Davidson and all staff at the Paisley reference library for their various assistance over the years.